Thursday, August 5, 2010

Y'all Go Swimmin'?

"You know, this is how Sookie's parents died..." - Leah

I said I was going to make a post about storms, among other things, and that seems like the best thing to start with because there was a CRAZY one last night!

I think this could officially be considered our second huge storm so here are a couple videos I took from our first. These were taken from our side balcony. I'm filming the trees, or really the space between the trees as they light up with insane/awesome lightning.

In this first one it isn't raining yet so you can also hear the cicadas and crickets and shit. More on those later.

In the next one, it has started to rain. This isn't rain like how it's always soggy in the NW, this should have some other kind of name - "it's drenching outside?" Anyway, so you can see that, and probably hear the thunder 'cause now it's right upon us.

Yesterday it was hot and sticky when we headed out to Best Buy...but when Jared pulled the car up to the front of the store to load the new 42" tv into it, it was "drenching." Carrying the tv 30 ft to the car and trying to shove the box in the back seat (a total of 3 minutes max?) resulted in us looking like we went swimming in our clothes. The tv didn't fit! The Best Buy guys were kind of awesome, brought it back in the store, took it out of the box, and three of them wrapped it in like 10 layers of plastic and we headed out.

We drove home from the mall/flash flood and ran ourselves and the tv into the apartment. Got out of our wet clothes, then the power went out. ("I can't pee in the dark!" -Jared) I found a lighter and lit a few candles and then the power came back. What a joke show.

Oh, when we got home we found this article. Six sentences down? That's where we were when this nonsense started.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Don't Touch That Dial

Downtown Raleigh. So cute and tiny.

My excuses for the lack of posting are that our internet has been spotty, Jared works 10 hrs a day, and kind of a mess.

It's still hot, though not *so* hot and storms are helping with that. Stay tuned for a post about thunderstorms.

There are still bugs - mosquitoes are still kinda ruining my life and I think I killed the venus fly trap the day after we got it. Stayed tuned for a post about cicadas and ''water bugs."

Still trying to get settled and moved in, though we're getting close and settling in. Stay tuned for a post about how we're eating.

In other news...I've applied for a catering job at the Whole Foods up the road from us - if I don't get it I'm going to keep applying for things there. We're thinking about heading to the coast this weekend, but we'll see. So...stay tuned for news about those things.