Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So I/we are making a resolution to update this more. This is the first update of the new year and I am going to try to update once every week or two. Anyway, Christmas was good although low-key. We talked with all the family and on Christmas day we had brunch at a friend's house. The kitties got some presents as well and they loved them all (we could tell by the growling at each other when one had the toy).

Other than that, Leah is going to Portland soon and I am taking the first actuary exam on the 20th. After that I will start applying for jobs and take the second exam on the 15th of Feb. I have been looking to see what entry-level jobs are available and it seems like my best bet is one in Connecticut right outside of NYC. There is another in Wisconsin that I will apply for too, but I don't really want to end up in Wisconsin, haha.

We have a bunch of pictures saved up so maybe the next post will be of all the pictures we took of the snow and all that. Happy 2011 all!